– Fall

Below are our landscaping tips for fall!

As the temperatures start to cool down in the fall, it’s time to prepare your lawn for the winter months ahead. Completing these essential tasks in the fall can help your grass recover from the summer heat and build strong roots for the coming year. Here are some key tasks for fall lawn care:

  1. Lawn Aeration: Fall is an ideal time to aerate your lawn to reduce soil compaction and improve root growth. This will help your grass absorb nutrients and water more effectively during winter.
  2. Overseeding: Fall is also the perfect time to overseed your lawn to fill in any bare spots and promote thicker, healthier grass. Choose a high-quality grass seed variety that is well-suited to your climate and soil conditions.
  3. Fertilization: Apply a fall lawn fertilizer with a high phosphorus content to promote strong root growth and prepare your grass for the winter. This will help your grass withstand the cold temperatures and bounce back quickly in the spring.
  4. Leaf Removal: Keep your lawn clear of fallen leaves by raking or mulching them regularly. Leaves left on your lawn can smother your grass and create a breeding ground for pests and diseases.

Fall Color
The cool fronts that have passed through in the past few days remind us that it’s autumn. And autumn reminds us that it’s time to add seasonal color and texture to your landscape. Our lawn account managers will work with you to help determine the ideal plant locations. After all the summer heat, it’s refreshing to have autumn here, so why not refresh your landscape color in your beds and pots as well. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Fall plantings
  • Fall flowers
  • Fall containers


Now is a good time for tree trimming and pruning in general. There are three main benefits for pruning (also known as tree trimming or tree cutting) your trees: personal safety, the health of the tree, and tree appearance. It is often recommended for personal and property safety reasons to reduce the risk of falling limbs and branches. In addition, it is important to remove branches that may be resting on utility lines or near rooftops.

For the tree’s overall health, proper tree pruning helps stimulate new growth and the healing of wounds. It is necessary for the continued health of the tree to remove dead, weakened, diseased, and insect-infested limbs. It can also encourage greater fruit production.

It improves the appearance of trees in your landscape. This is not only beneficial for the look of your property but can also increase the overall value! Limbs too close to rooftops can encourage moss and other fungi to grow and reduce the life of the roof. They can also allow various tree-climbing animals access to your roof and potentially your home.

This is also a good time of year for pruning perennial, native, and tropical plants as well as container gardens. For rose care, hard pruning is also recommended.