Shaded Area

Having a shaded area is great on a hot sunny day to help beat the heat. However, these same areas create major issues when it comes to growing grass. Most turf grass requires four to five hours of direct sunlight each day to maintain overall health and density. Without this much-needed sunlight, the turf will thin. As the shaded areas grow darker, bare spots will begin to appear.

Thinning of the turf happens over a long period of time as the trees grow larger. Once thinning or bare spots begin to appear, it can be difficult to reestablish turf grass in these areas. Raising the tree canopy to allow more air and sunlight is a great start. However, there will be times that this task will not fix the issue.

If this happens, it might be time to consider moving away from turf and adding some shade-loving plants or ground cover. Don’t let shaded areas keep you away from your outdoor living spaces and remember, these areas can help you beat the summer heat. We can help advise you on the best course of action for your shaded area, contact us for a free evaluation.